Brooke House Flowers is an experienced expert at the cultivation, processing, preservation, as well as distribution of top-quality flowers and greens of all sorts and origins. Over the numerous years that Brooke House Flowers have been in existence, we have managed to develop a large array of partners and suppliers worldwide.

Our Products at Brooke House Flowers are as diverse as the locations from which they are sourced. We expertly sift through a massive cache of global farmers and florists to find the very best from which to stock our delectable goods. With Brooke House Flowers, freshness and bang for buck are always guaranteed.

Brooke House Flowers not only deals with Flowers, as the name suggests, we also have a large variety of ferns and greens for you to choose from. Our vegetables are organic, fresh and well-kept at all times. This ensures that you will never regret the choice of Brooke House Flowers for your purchasing of wholesale vegetables.

"The grass is greener where the cultivation is most thorough" - Unknown

Brooke House Flowers

With over 20 years experience in the fresh flower exports & imports industry, Brooke House Flowers has acquired enhanced specialties that enable us to bring you the very best Flowers and related products that the world has to offer, these icnlude the following:

Cape Flora

Among many others we have Agathosma, Albiflora Green, Berzilia White, Cordata, and Paranomous.

Cape Flora Bouquets

Blue Tango, Carousel Mix (Protea), Compacta, Edelkeur, Hunters Mix, Manderin, and Protea (Big).

Cape Greens

Bell Reed, Coral Fern, Elegia, Green Stick, Knysna Fern, Mikado Tufts, Rekeola, Typha Leaves.


We specialiase in the supply of Baccans, Cyathiformis, Deliciosa, Heather, and Irregularis.

Fresh-cut Flowers

We stock a large variety of fresh-cut flowers including Anthirium, Calla Lily, and Gerbera.

Fresh-cut Greens

Asparagus Cattails, Asparagus Virgatus, Cyprus Grass, Flax, Eucalyptus, Monstera and Papyrus.


Our Leucadendron stock includes Cumosum, Discolor Green, Jubilee Crown, and Plumosum.


Emress Red, Glabrum, High Gold, Succession, Sunrise, Tango, Velf fire and Yellow Bird.


The massive collection of Protea we have includes, Barbigera, Compacta, Eximia, and Sheila.

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